Conquer Your Placement Jitters: How Mock Interviews Help at IMS Unison University

Mock Interviews at IUU

Did you know that 33% of hiring managers claim to know whether or not they would hire a candidate within 30 seconds of meeting them? This startling fact can add immense pressure on candidates, intensifying the stress of job interviews.

What if you could walk into your next job interview with unwavering confidence, fully prepared for any question that comes your way? As the placement season approaches, many students find themselves grappling with anxiety and uncertainty. The key to overcoming these jitters is thorough preparation, and mock interviews are an invaluable tool.

At IMS Unison University, the best university in Dehradun, we conduct mock interviews designed to simulate real-life interview scenarios, providing students with a safe space to practice and refine their skills. This preparation is crucial, as it helps you understand the dynamics of an interview, receive constructive feedback, and build the confidence needed to excel. So, how do these mock interviews transform nervous candidates into poised professionals? 

The Real-World Simulation of Mock Interviews

Mock interviews at IMS Unison University are crafted to mirror actual job interview scenarios as closely as possible. This realistic practice helps demystify the interview process for students, making the unknown more familiar and less daunting. Each session is structured to cover typical interview questions, industry-specific queries, and even curveball questions that test candidates' ability to think on their feet.

For example, a student applying for a marketing position might be asked to create a brief campaign strategy on the spot, challenging their creativity and practical understanding of the field. This direct exposure to the types of questions and pressures found in real interviews is invaluable. It helps students prepare substantive answers and hone their presentation and communication skills under pressure.

Constructive Feedback For Improvement

The most beneficial aspect of mock interviews is the immediate feedback provided. This detailed and personalised feedback focuses on strengths and areas needing improvement. It might cover aspects such as body language, use of professional language, technical knowledge, and even the candidate's ability to connect personally with the interviewer.

The role of this feedback is twofold. Firstly, it provides students with a clear understanding of what they are doing well, reinforcing these behaviours. Secondly, it identifies areas where they can improve, whether it’s answering questions more succinctly, managing anxiety, or presenting their thoughts more clearly. This feedback loop creates a proactive environment for personal and professional growth, encouraging students to continuously refine their approach and enhance their skills.

Embracing the Challenge: Advanced Preparation Techniques

To further empower our students at IMS Unison University, we emphasise the basic practice of mock interviews and advanced preparation techniques that can enhance their readiness. Here’s how we help our students dive deeper into their preparation:

  • Role-specific Preparation: Students are guided to tailor their preparation based on the specific role they are applying for. This includes researching industry trends, understanding role-specific challenges, and preparing to discuss recent developments in their field.
  • Behavioural Interview Preparation: Besides technical skills, behavioural traits are crucial to a candidate’s success. We coach our students on effectively communicating their past experiences and how these align with the potential employer’s values and expectations.
  • Stress Management Techniques: Interview anxiety can undermine even the most prepared candidate. We teach techniques such as mindfulness, breathing exercises, and positive visualisation to help students manage stress and present their best selves during interviews.

Continuous Learning: The Role of Peer Review

Another critical component of our mock interview framework at IMS Unison University involves peer review. Students participate in peer-to-peer sessions where they can practice interviewing each other. This provides a dual benefit: interviewees get to answer questions in a less formal environment, and as interviewers, they gain insights into what makes an effective response from the other side of the table.

  • Constructive Peer Feedback: Peer feedback can often highlight different perspectives, offering diverse insights into a candidate’s performance.
  • Increased Comfort with Diverse Interviewers: Interacting with different interviewers during these sessions helps students adapt to various interviewing styles and personalities.

Integration of Technology in Mock Interviews

In keeping with technological advancements, IMS Unison University incorporates video interviewing platforms and AI-based analysis tools in our mock interview processes. These technologies allow students to record their sessions and analyse them for improvements in aspects such as speech clarity, confidence, and non-verbal communication.

  • Video Review Sessions: Students can replay their interviews to self-assess and identify areas for improvement that they might have missed during the real-time feedback.
  • AI Feedback Mechanisms: AI tools offer unbiased analysis of various parameters, such as speech rate, pause frequency, and word choice, providing another layer of feedback for our students.

Building a Supportive Environment

At IMS Unison University, we believe in building a supportive environment that encourages continuous improvement. Faculty members and career counsellors are readily available to discuss feedback from mock interviews and help students develop action plans to address shortcomings.

  • Regular Workshops and Seminars: Regularly scheduled workshops on interview skills, job search strategies, and career planning are conducted to complement the mock interview process.
  • Alumni Interaction Sessions: Alumni are invited to share their real-world interview experiences, providing practical insights and networking opportunities for our students.

Leveraging Mock Interviews for Future Success

To maximise the benefits of mock interviews, students are encouraged to approach each session with seriousness and a willingness to learn. Here are a few tips to make the most out of these opportunities:

  • Treat each mock interview as real: Dress formally, prepare thoroughly, and engage earnestly.
  • Reflect on the feedback: Post-interview, take the time to reflect on the feedback provided. Create an action plan to address areas of improvement.
  • Practice regularly: Regular practice helps alleviate anxiety and builds confidence. It allows students to experiment with different answers and find what works best.
  • Seek diverse scenarios: Participating in interviews with different formats (panel, one-on-one, technical) and for various roles helps prepare for various real-life situations.

By taking mock interviews seriously and using the feedback constructively, students at IMS Unison University can dramatically improve their interview skills, making them well-prepared and confident candidates for their future careers.


At IMS Unison University, thebest university in Dehradun, mock interviews are a critical part of our career preparation toolkit. They provide practice and real insight into what it takes to succeed in job interviews. By incorporating realistic scenarios, detailed feedback, and continuous improvement, we ensure our students are prepared and primed for success in their career pursuits.