Level Up Your Resume: Top Skills Gained Through Extracurriculars at IMS Unison University

Top Skills from Extracurriculars

Top Extracurricular Options Available on Campus

IMS Unison University is a hub of activity where students are encouraged to step out of their academic routines and dive into a pool of opportunities. Whether you are an artist, a debater, a sports enthusiast, or a budding entrepreneur, the campus offers something to cater to every interest.

Clubs and Societies

The university boasts various clubs and societies that span various interests – from literature and culture to business and technology. These platforms allow students to connect with peers who share similar passions, facilitating a network that thrives on creativity and innovation.

Sports and Fitness

The university's sports teams are a great attraction for those inclined towards physical activity. With state-of-the-art cricket, basketball, football facilities, and more, students can keep fit while developing teamwork and leadership skills crucial for professional success

Art and Culture

Cultural committees and art clubs provide a stage for those interested in honing their artistic skills, be it through music, dance, or drama. These activities enrich the campus life and help students explore and express their inner creativity.

Volunteer Work and Social Impact

Participation in social clubs and volunteer organizations is critical in character building. Activities coordinated through such groups enable students to contribute to society while learning valuable life lessons in empathy, altruism, and civic responsibility.

How Extracurricular Activities Building Personal Confidence and Leadership

Extracurricular activities play a crucial role in shaping an individual's personal confidence and leadership skills, and IMS Unison University understands this importance well. By offering a diverse range of extracurricular activities, the university provides students with opportunities to develop beyond the confines of the classroom.

  • Enhancing Communication Skills: Activities such as debate clubs, public speaking forums, and drama societies encourage students to articulate their thoughts and opinions effectively. Through regular participation in these activities, students learn to express themselves confidently, which is a cornerstone of leadership.
  • Building Teamwork and Collaboration: Many extracurricular activities, like sports teams, student government, and community service initiatives, require collaboration and teamwork. Students learn valuable leadership skills such as effective communication, conflict resolution, and delegation by working together towards common goals.
  • Taking Initiative and Responsibility: Leadership roles within clubs and societies allow students to take on responsibilities and make decisions independently. Whether it's organizing events, managing finances, or leading a team, these experiences foster a sense of ownership and accountability.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities: Engaging in activities like robotics clubs, hackathons, or entrepreneurship competitions challenges students to think creatively and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. This fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for effective leadership.
  • Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: Participating in cultural clubs, diversity initiatives, or international exchange programs exposes students to different perspectives and backgrounds. This cultivates empathy, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds, essential qualities for effective leadership in a globalized world.

The Role of Alumni in Supporting Extracurricular Engagement

Alumni play a crucial role in sustaining and enriching the extracurricular landscape at IMS Unison University. Their involvement can take various forms, from mentoring current students to sponsoring events and clubs.

Engagement Stories

  • Alumni Talks and Workshops: These events allow alumni to share their career paths and the role extracurricular activities played in their professional lives.
  • Alumni-Sponsored Initiatives: Examples of clubs or competitions sponsored by alumni enhance current students' opportunities.

How Extracurricular Activities Contribute to Resume Building and Career Prospects

The benefits of engaging in extracurricular activities extend well into career preparation and resume building. Here’s how:

Development of Soft Skills

Extracurricular activities foster communication, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, which employers in various industries highly value.

Networking Opportunities

Participating in different clubs and events opens up numerous networking opportunities with peers, faculty, and even professionals when guest speakers and alumni are involved.

Showcasing Leadership and Initiative

Taking initiative and holding positions of responsibility within clubs and organizations impress potential employers. It shows your capability to manage, lead, and motivate others.

Diversification of Experiences

Engaging in various activities helps build diverse experiences, demonstrating your ability to manage multiple roles and your willingness to learn and adapt.

How To Choose The Best Extracurricular Activities

Finding one’s passion does not always come easy. It requires exploration, an open mind, and the courage to step outside one’s comfort zone. Here are a few tips for students at IMS Unison University to discover and pursue their passions through extracurricular activities:

  1. Explore Broadly: Initially, take the time to explore different clubs and activities. Attend introductory meetings, talk to club members, and try your hand at various events.
  2. Assess Your Interests and Skills: Reflect on what activities excite and engage you. Consider your strengths and how they align with your interests.
  3. Commit to Your Choices: Once you find your interest, commit to it. Regular participation is key to gaining the most from any extracurricular activity.
  4. Take on Leadership Roles: As you grSow more comfortable in a club or team, consider taking on leadership roles. These could include managing events, leading a club, or organizing a community service project.


IMS Unison University, widely recognized as the best university in Dehradun, offers a plethora of extracurricular opportunities that enrich the college experience and prepare students for successful careers. By actively participating in these activities, students can discover their passions, develop essential life skills, and build impressive resumes that stand out in the competitive job market. So, take the plunge, explore your interests, and carve a path that fulfills your academic ambitions and nurtures your personal growth and career aspirations.