Research Policy
Research Policy
The primary objective of the Research Policy at IMS Unison University is to foster a dynamic and vibrant research environment and to inspire both faculty members and research scholars. This policy acts as a comprehensive framework guiding the conduct of research activities within the University. It details the strategies and procedures aimed at promoting research management, research development, and research education.
The implementation of these strategies and procedures falls under the scope of this policy. The responsibility for overseeing research policy, its planning, and management resides with the office of the Dean of Research. This ensures a structured and effective approach to nurturing a robust research culture at IMS Unison University.
Our Research Strategy
The overarching goal of our research initiatives at IMS Unison University is to conduct research and consultancy with a strong emphasis on the practical application of knowledge. This is done in collaboration with government bodies, industry partners, society at large, and especially underprivileged community groups. We are dedicated to fostering research and innovation in various aspects of life to transform the University into a hub of skill, knowledge, technologies, and cultural richness.
To effectively manage and implement our research strategy, we rely on a system of interconnected supporting mechanisms. These mechanisms are designed to:
- Enhance the confidence of our faculty members to realise their research abilities.
- Enhance motivation for undertaking high-quality research activities.
- Encourage faculties through financial incentives for carrying out genuine research work and for research publication in journals of repute.
- Invite leading academicians for research assistance in areas such as management, legal studies, and media research.
- Enhance active participation of faculties in national and international seminars, conferences, and workshops.
- Provide support in the form of incentives, research seed money grants, training, and infrastructure necessary for undertaking research.
- Increase awareness in the arena of international, national, and regional research and also promote collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects.
Key Areas of Research Themes
The University's strategic objective is to gain and maintain a high-quality and internationally acclaimed research reputation. This will be achieved through a clear focus on key research themes, which include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Business Policy and Planning
- Economy and Business Decision
- Finance and Accounts
- Marketing and Business Analysis
- Operations and Supply Chain
- Hospitality Management
- Languages, Social and Cultural Studies
- Legal Research
- Social Science and Sustainable Development
- Humanities and Liberal Arts
- Design Thinking and Innovation
- Mass Communication and Media Research: Television, Radio, Print, Advertising, Public Relations, Theories of Mass Communication, Web Journalism, Corporate Communication, Media Ethics, and Media and Society
Support Towards Research
A Research Promotion Grant Fund (RPGF) will be created by the University in each academic year for the following purposes:
- Seed Money for Research Support
- Funding for Long-Term Research Projects
- Participation in National and/or International Conferences
- Hiring of Research Staff (Research Assistant / Research Associate)
- Incentives for Publication in Quality Journals of A*, A, B, and C categories (As per ABDC standards)
- Participation in Research-Based Seminars/Workshops
- Covering Expenses for Editorial Fees and/or Journal Fees (applicable for quality journals only)
Seed Money Research Support
Faculty members associated with the University for two (02) years or more of continuous service as confirmed regular employees will be eligible to receive seed money support up to a maximum of Rs. 25,000/-. This support is intended for promoting research that leads to publishing quality research papers (conference proceedings papers will not be included). It can be used to cover fees, travel costs, books, journals, communication, software, and the hiring of Research Associate expenses, among others. The expenses will be reimbursed following the University norms.
Eligibility for Seed Money Grant
- Eligibility for Seed Money Research Support requires working with IMS Unison University (IUU) for two (02) years or more as a confirmed regular employee.
- Each academic year, a select number of faculty members may be granted seed money for research support. This is contingent upon meeting specified criteria and undergoing shortlisting by the Board of Research, followed by approval from the Vice-Chancellor.
- The total allocation under this provision will be limited to the budgetary provisions designated for it.
- Seed money will be awarded to faculty members who have published research papers in recognised journals listed by UGC, Scopus, SCI Index, AICTE, or ABDC.
- The utilisation of seed money will be evaluated based on the publication of research paper(s) in the aforementioned listed journals.
- A project completion report must be submitted before applying for the next instalment of seed money.
- The outcomes of the seed money research project should be published within the subsequent academic year.
Fund for Long Term Research Project
The University shall also encourage senior faculty members, specifically those at the Associate Professor level and above, to undertake research projects funded by various agencies. In alignment with the University/School’s Vision and Mission, the University may provide support for a limited number of projects. A maximum grant of Rs. 2 Lakhs per project may be permitted in one (01) academic year to a faculty member whose project is selected for such support.
Eligibility for Long Research Fund
- Eligibility for the Long-Term Research Project is open to faculty members at the Associate Professor level or above who have been working with IMS Unison University (IUU) as confirmed regular employees for three (03) years or more.
- Each academic year, several faculty members may be granted funding for research projects. This is based on the fulfilment of specified criteria, shortlisting through the Board of Research, and approval by the Vice-Chancellor.
- The total amount allocated for this purpose will be confined within the budgetary provisions made for it.
- Long-Term Research Project funding will be awarded to those faculty members who have published research papers in quality-listed journals, such as UGC, Scopus, SCI Index, AICTE, or ABDC.
- The funding for the Long-Term Research Project can be utilised for journal fees, travel costs, books, journals, communication, software, and the hiring of Research Associate expenses, among others.
- A project completion report must be submitted before applying for the next instalment of funding.
- The allocated funds for the Project will be sanctioned for two years or less.
- Faculty members are required to submit a Project Completion Report (PCR) within six months following the completion of their Project.
- The effectiveness of Long-Term Research Projects will be assessed based on the publication of research paper(s) in the aforementioned quality journals or if the project leads to securing Research Project or Consultancy assignments from Industry or Government agencies.
- After the successful utilisation of a Long-Term Research Project, faculty members are obligated to serve at the university for at least two (02) years. To formalise this commitment, faculty members will be required to submit a signed bond on a judicial stamp paper in a prescribed format. This bond stipulates that they will serve the University for a minimum of two (02) years following the completion of the Research Project. Should they choose to leave the University before completing these two years, they will be liable to reimburse the University with a sum equivalent to the complete cost of the Project Fund as paid by the University, calculated on a pro-rata basis.
Grant for participation in National and /or International Conference / Research Methodology Workshop
- Eligible faculty members may receive a grant of up to Rs. 25,000/- per year for participation in a National Conference and Rs. 50,000/- per year for participation in an International Conference. This support is provided on a reimbursement basis. Faculty members who are confirmed and have been in regular full-time employment with the University for more than three (03) years will be eligible for international conference participation. This eligibility is subject to the fulfilment of other criteria and selection procedures as approved from time to time and is constrained by the allocated budget.
- Additionally, faculty members planning to attend an International conference will be required to sign a bond on a judicial stamp paper in a prescribed format. This bond mandates that they serve the University for at least two (02) years following their conference participation. Should a faculty member resign before completing these two years, they will be obliged to reimburse the University with a pro-rata amount equivalent to the total cost of conference participation funded by the University.
Incentive Plan for Publication in A*, A, B and C Category Journals (As per ABDC)
The University shall provide incentives to faculty members for publishing quality research papers as the main author in publications listed by ABDC, categorised as follows:
Category of publication |
Incentive in one academic year |
A* |
Rs. 3 Lakhs |
A |
Rs. 1,00,000/- |
B |
Rs. 50,000/- |
C |
Rs. 25,000/- |
Note: If a paper is co-authored by more than one (01) faculty member from the University, the incentive amount will be distributed equally among all the authors from the University. In cases where the paper is co-authored by a faculty member from IMS Unison University (IUU) and external faculty, only the IUU faculty member will receive their proportionate share of the incentive amount.
G. Application Procedure for Research Grant / Projects / Incentives
- Faculty members who are eligible for any research-related grants or incentives are required to submit a detailed application. This application should include all necessary annexures and documentary evidence. The application must be routed through the Dean or Head of the School to the office of the Dean (Research).
- The office of the Dean (Research) will compile all such applications and present them to the Board of Research. The Board will then evaluate these applications and make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor for approval.
- Upon the completion of a research project for which the University has provided a grant, the faculty member must submit a detailed report. This report should include an overview of the research conducted and all papers and reports based on the research. These documents are to be submitted to the office of the Vice-Chancellor.